Hi From Noble County!

Jordan Spence, Regional Expansion Coordinator 

The regional expansion work I do through Building Bridges to Careers encompasses Noble, Belmont, Guernsey, Monroe, Harrison, Jefferson, and Morgan counties. Recently, I've been working with Noble County and have received positive feedback from and early success with their local businesses.

Noble County is a great place for me to start my work because I have lived here my entire life. Initially, I called local businesses to introduce myself and explain the work that I'm doing on behalf of Building Bridges to Careers.  I also inquired to see if they would be interested in having students job shadow or tour their business in the foreseeable future. I also asked if they have any internship opportunities and what type of students that they are looking to hire into the positions.

The companies were excited to hear from me and I've been excited by the feedback that I've received from them. For example, Noble County Engineers' Office was a great organization to talk with . When I called, the Office was thrilled to hear about BB2C's work and the fact that we are expanding the work into Noble County. They expressed interest in becoming more involved with the local schools and speaking directly with the students to help inspire the students' career choices.  They shared with me that “we want to be able to show boys and girls that there are engineering opportunities right here in their back yard”.  I was also able to leverage my position to assist the Office in finding a great student to fulfill an internship opening they had.

So far, we have identified almost 20 different businesses and organizations who are interested in being involved in inspiring career choices through experience, entrepreneurship, and education.  I look forward to working with Noble County to support successful students, strong businesses, and a prosperous community! 


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